Subject: Best age to introduce kids to your favourite books?
Posted on: 2019-05-25 16:51:00 UTC

I'm pretty sure everyone here has favourite books, and wants to pass the love on, but unlike films, books have a frustrating lack of age recommendations. I thought it might be interesting to hear what age people think is appropriate to share their own favourites at - whether it's with your own children, children of friends or relatives, or any kids you come into contact with through work.

-I can confirm that The Hobbit is great to read aloud around age 6. Not sure they'd be able to get through it themselves, though.

-Harry Potter works from about 8, though the series does tend to age up; we hit a stumbling block a few chapters into Azkaban.

-Percy Jackson, again, is good for 8 and up; I don't know yet where we'll stall out.

-We haven't yet tried LotR, Discworld, or Young Wizards; I feel like the Discworld 'children's' books will be suitable pretty soon, but don't want to push it too hard.

-And of course, Roald Dahl is great as soon as they can read. >:D Seriously, we got a 6/7-year-old blazing through Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and several others. (Not BFG or Witches, though; too traumatic for me to pass on. :D)


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