Subject: I think it varies
Posted on: 2019-05-26 22:38:00 UTC

I feel like this depends a lot on the kids themselves, their interests and reading levels, ect. I’ve always been a bit wary of assigning age ranges to children’s literature just because children the same age can have a broad range of experiences and comfort levels, both with reading/vocabulary and with various kinds of subject matter.

There is a story, though, about my sister reading “Alanna: The First Adventure” for the first time. She was six, and there’s a scene in there where the protagonist gets her period for the first time. My sister, confused, asked our mother what was going on, and our mother was rather taken aback. She did her best to explain and resolved to pay a little closer attention to the books we were reading in future.

(I, on the other hand, remember reading right past that scene as a kid. “Women in this book-world bleed once every moon? Definitly just another odd fantasy thing...”)

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