Subject: Review
Posted on: 2012-09-27 03:31:00 UTC

great story! cant wait for more! but i have some questions about stuff i didnt get. i hope you dont mind if i copast some stuff to point aut what i didnt get!

She and vid were not in danger from sues becos rolplay characters don’t have any hair and eye color or physical features until someone draws them (or until they show up @ the ppyc) and they have to do what the dice tells them and stuff.
I dont get how your agents being roplay characters makes thm immune to the sue oura hing or how them not having hair and eye color matters with becoming a sue. and isnt them having to do what dice tell them too a bad thing that sues coudl take advantage off? I woundnt want hur agents to become sues!

Therefor e if the sues invade again she was not worried about herself or about vid but about their velociraptor who was new partner Trask becos he came from a bookworld and bookworld characters were very skeptibal to influenza sues.
Only Tv and movievorse chars were in moar danger from a sue becos of the hot actors and the microwave.

I thought that all sues affect characters from all things like books and movies and stuff. Sorry that want really a quesstion lol.

also where did Trask learn to talk?

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