Subject: Maybe!
Posted on: 2019-11-20 15:37:21 UTC

I definitely see him being willing to experiment. You can come by all sorts of exotic materials in HQ by way of mission souvenirs ("Nothing glittery, though; I missed some contamination one time and it was SUCH a disaster. Sue hair is right out, stop asking."), and he also probably knows people he can ask personally for donations. ^_^

"Protip: Do not go to the Flowers for wand wood, for they are tetchy and mostly not made of wood anyway. And also the one time Hornbeam gave me a branch it was a total dud. Sooo slooow."

Ooh, New Caledonian woods, though! I reckon he ultimately sets up shop in New Cal. Araucaria and niaouli are sure to be interesting. Araucaria, a.k.a. monkey puzzle. Need I say more? And...

"A niaouli wand is best suited to someone who thrives in adversity and never says no to a challenge. They are adept at healing magic of all sorts and will also do well in the hands of someone with an affinity for herbalism or magical creatures. Niaouli is an attractive wood that bears the faint scent of its essential oil, long prized for its own healing properties. Mom, your new wand is done!"

—XYH Henry, via Neshomeh

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