Subject: Comments like this are worth waiting for. ^_^
Posted on: 2020-06-15 03:48:12 UTC

It's always great to see if particular things land with a reader as intended or not, especially when they do! {= D

(And thanks to everyone else, too! I will try to reply to everyone individually, but now I've said it here just in case.)

Nume is definitely both better off and easier to be around post-Bleeprin. If you squint at him sideways, you can even see him having feelings and trying to be helpful sometimes! {= D As such, I don't classify his use of Bleep as abuse, any more than someone with ADHD taking their Adderall as prescribed is abusing that. Plus, Bleeprin/Bleepka is a silly fictional substance that doesn't create a physical dependence, anyway. {= )

Cameo is yucky, and learning that I could come up with a character like that wigged me out a bit! I think the neuralyzer thing might've been one of those ideas that seemed funny at first, in the way that things can when you're still basically a kid and haven't learned how to think implications through yet, but is actually horrific once the thinking-through happens. Dang maturity and perspective and empathy and knowing too much about real abusive people...

Fortunately, Cameo is fictional and not based on anything in particular, and her fate is mine to decide. My heart still believes in justice, even though my head has gotten very cynical these days. I'm sure she would've been caught eventually no matter what, just like a pathological liar eventually gets tangled up in their own webs. I know what does ultimately happen with her, too, but that's a story I'm saving for another time. ^_~

I'm glad you enjoyed the history bits! I almost didn't get Bogglish in—it was going to be Nathonea until I realized that Nathonea probably joined up around the same time Jenni did, fresh from HFA, so she didn't fit the role of "more experienced nurse." Lucky Bogglish. He and Pablum both deserved another screen credit, for sure.

Thank you for your thoughts!


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