Subject: Voyd's Inappropriate Behavior on the Discord Server
Posted on: 2020-07-05 20:30:44 UTC

This is not going to be a lighthearted post, and fair warning to that. I will ROT13 any foul language or nsfw implications, of which there will be some. I understand that not everyone who reads this is on the Discord server, and so I will try and explain things which may not be intuitive, and understand that this carries my own biases, because I myself get a bit heated talking about this, so please bear with me, and please correct me.

This post is being made because of the behavior today of user Voyd on the PPC's discord server, in the generic-salt channel, which is a place for people to vent and talk about more serious things than what normally belong in the main general chat. It's useful and appropriate to do so here, and people offer their advice and consolations. What sparked this post, was the chat log copy-pasted here (edited for formatting, not changing any of the text.)

Voyd Today at 9:47 AM [is being called a racist elsewhere on Tumblr and very confused] Is it racist to find dark-skinned women sexually attractive?\

Martholomew Nemo Today at 9:50 AM Is that the sole quality that determines it for ya?

Voyd Today at 9:51 AM I can’t link the relevant post because, uh, highly NSFW, but yeah. Someone called me racist after I submitted a confession about wanting to do fun things with dusky game characters

Martholomew Nemo Today at 9:53 AM I'm... gonna say 'dusky' carries some sort of racist/sexualized connotation, tho... Feels pretty weird to me

Mirage, Heavy Metal Cowboy ♂ Today at 9:54 AM Yeah, I'm from a pretty white country and English isn't my first language, but "dusky" has a bit of a fetishization vibe as far as I can tell. You're definitely treading dangerous waters here.

Voyd Today at 9:54 AM >///<

Directly after or directly before Voyd's last post, he wrote something down which was quickly deleted after Nemo and Mirage called him out on it for being wildly inappropriate. I learned from Nemo that he said, or at least was along the lines of, "gung fbzrguvat juvgr jbhyq ybbx cerggl ubg ba n qnex fxva gbar" (NSFW connotations.) I'm not certain if this is the exact text exactly, but checking the server logs with one of the moderation bots would be conclusive. Voyd swiftly deleted the offending remark, and apologized for saying it, and added that he was appalled that he would say it, and would never say anything along those lines again. Normally this would be the end of conversation. Deleting an offending post and apologizing for your behavior is something which should be normalized, and important in learning how to act around other people. However, Voyd has deleted an obscene amount of inappropriate posts, interrupted conversations to talk about his xvaxf, gur snpg gung ur'f ubeal naq pna'g qb nalguvat nobhg vg, (NSFW) and always, after being confronted, pledges to either A. never do it again, or B. bring self pity into the equation, talking rather negatively about himself and insinuating that others think this way of him, and refusing to acknowledge any response along the lines of "we don't actually hate you, we just want you to stop making people uncomfortable by changing your behaviors." He's often said that he feels he should leave the server if he isn't meshing with us, despite pointing out the very specific change which needs to be made, and stating that it is up to him whether or not he changes, and not our responsibility.

That was certainly a brick of words, but to put it in short. Voyd has made various people uncomfortable, said he would change his behavior, and he hasn't. And this has been going on for months. I am in favor of asking him to take a break for some time, a temporary mute, or some other form of punishment. This, in my opinion, has been tolerated for too long, and not been dealt with in a healthy way.

If you're on the Discord server, I invite you to please voice your thoughts and opinions on this, and if you're primarily on the Board, I also value your opinions, and will try and provide more context, citations, or explanations where needed. This is meant to be reaching a broader range of people so that there's less chance of the Discord server becoming an echo chamber, per se.


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