Subject: I am not a good voice for speaking here.
Posted on: 2020-07-05 21:54:33 UTC

For one, I have... a complicated perspective on sexuality, public, private, or otherwise, that I have some difficulty seeing past to put myself in the shows of other real people. But likely more importantly, my views on Voyd himself are very, very heavily colored, both by his own actions and by associations with other individuals who have done some remarkably bad things to me. There's a reason I tend to get a bit uncomfortable when he tries to offer assistance to the problems I voice in Salt, and it's only partially that his assistance consists primarily of shifting the attention onto himself and his frustration at his inability to help.

With all that said, there's definitely at least two problems here. Problem A, Voyd's... difficulties with oversharing the state of his libido on a regular basis; Problem B, Voyd's consistent refusal to listen when told what he needs to fix, his insistence on piercingly loud self-pity and moping, and then running straight back to sticking his fists in his ears when people try to actually help.

It would be one thing if this were the long and the short of it, but it's not. This is how he behaves in all things. Not just all issues he brings into Salt, though that's certainly where it's most prevalent - in all things, unless someone starts swearing at him and uses language designed to agitate, this is his pattern. Bringing up a thing, whining about it to the limit of a saint's patience, continuing to whine while people scuttle about trying to offer suggestions and solutions and sympathies and other relevant words beginning with S, and turning into a self-pitying mass when someone does manage to force him into acknowledging the sentiments of others.

And again, this is his behavior in all things. Commentary on his writing, discussions of games (the gods forbid anyone try to show him an alternate way to play in Fate/Grand Order), in casual discussions about any random topic. Speaking of, I feel the need to bring up a potential Problem C: an insistence on interruption and pulling the subject to himself, and the complementary refusal to let a subject die. I mentioned earlier that when others (not just me, though I certainly notice it happening to me more certainly than to others for obvious reasons) bring up issues in Salt, there's a tendency for Voyd to "help" by voicing his inability to provide assistance, which thus shifts the topic away from the problem of the original person and towards comforting Voyd and his endless self-pity. This happens frequently, despite generally being frustrating for every single person who is not Voyd himself, particularly when he repeatedly comments on his own uselessness within the context of a single problem. It's similar with other subjects. Once Voyd has a topic in his sights, he abjectly refuses to let anyone discuss anything else, to the point of leaving some community members with complete disdain for the subject material despite having absolutely no experience with it outside of this.

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