Subject: Then I'm pleased to meet Master Computerer Tomash!
Posted on: 2020-11-29 21:34:59 UTC

I'm not kidding. That's the actual term for a member of the brand-new Computercraft on Pern, according to the Dragonlover's Guide. Let's hope they change it when they become more familiar with the whole business, eh? >.>

Anyway, you're now entitled to wear shoulder knots in the colors of your craft and the location of your posting (if other than the Mastercrafthall), plus a roundel badge displaying your craft insignia (red computer chip on a white field). After a bit of confusing research, I believe the knots would resemble the center left design here:

Walk, Tomash, Walk.
It's time to go ahead.
Walk, Tomash, Walk.
Into your new life.
Walk, Tomash, Walk!


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