Subject: No. No it isn't.
Posted on: 2021-01-18 10:15:39 UTC

As Nesh said, in this thread I'm posting my own work. One that is taking a lot of effort to write (it's been ongoing for a year, and by Chapter 9 I'm at 60k words - and I'm not at the midpoint yet!) and is fairly experimental in nature. I'm imagining a world that formed after World 1 went poof, and the few surviving fictional characters, canon and original, got tossed into a leftover, unmapped world and have to basically build alliances anew to survive, while also furthering the personal plots of my own (former) agents and even of people from the badfic they originated from.

Basically, I'm trying to do the massive crossover thing well, with a dash of After The End added in, while switching my approach from the typical PPC's "they're the VIP we're protecting" approach to canon characters to "they're people like us". Because canon takes a backseat when everything is falling apart.

As you might've seen, though, I'm struggling to get feedback about it, so you can guess my frustration when I finally get a reply, and instead of a review, constructive criticism or even just a comment is someone hijacking the thread with "Hey check this other thing that is also in a language most of you don't even speak!", basically taking attention away from my work.

Tl;dr if someone is plugging his own work, it is NOT an "available plugging thread", and it's kinda rude to use it as such.

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