Subject: Fanfiction is welcome!
Posted on: 2021-01-20 18:39:53 UTC

Though I'd like to be given a chance to read before it is published in the case of proper story-lenght works.

And yes, being PPC agents really does make for becoming nexuses it's just that, on top of that, Sergio in his own words "always ends up in the worst messes the multiverse has to offer"... I should really make that his character quote in his page.

And yes, the Doctor is very definitely out there. Maybe even multiple instances of him (or her)! I don't plan on using the character, though.

And no, Evil Sergio is dead. They'll fish his mangled body out of the Tornado's wreckage... and Sergio will be able to say "ok, this one we're actually sure isn't coming back"

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