Subject: Oh jeez, there's _House, M.D._ fic.
Posted on: 2021-01-27 22:01:24 UTC

Two of them! This one is rated T.


this is...

this is amazing! {X D

House gets a pit bull because he is lonely. Cameron loves the dog. But, oh no! She is dying of cancer suddenly! So she wants to get with House as her dying wish, but he protests, so the dog rips Cameron's face off?! But then it turns out the dog has actually come to take House to Hell, because everyone hates him (except Chase for some reason) and they made a big evil pact to get rid of him. Cameron regrets it because she always loved him, but it's too late, and she dies. House gets a Big NO and some sappy final words, and he dies.

And the whole thing is riddled with bad grammar and funny misspellings. Excellent trollfic. I love it. ^_^

The other one is M rated and looks more disgusting, but also frigging absurd. A job for the Troll Division for sure.


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