Subject: Oh, bugger, Webs is migrating to Vistaprint. Archivists on deck!
Posted on: 2021-01-28 22:22:31 UTC

Webs to Shut Down March 31st, 2021

Free Webs accounts will not be migrated unless the owner has a Vistaprint account to move to, or makes one later. After March 31st, free Webs accounts will be unpublished.

I think we already had most if not all PPC content on Webs backed up on Wayback Machine and/or due to their annoying habit of unpublishing inactive sites, but let's double-check, yeah?

And, FYI for hS, I noticed this because someone noted on the wiki that the PPC History site is down (again), and I went to see if I might be able to complain at Webs about it. So, now's the time to relocate that stuff if that's the plan, I guess. My deepest sighs and sympathies.


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