Subject: The ones you mentioned
Posted on: 2021-01-30 15:11:04 UTC

delta-mike-lima does have a couple pages saved on*

duty-of-a-fangirl is Keily Shinra's site, and is at least partly saved:*

freakishfive is hS's and presumably safe.

pirateuniversity is the, er, other PotC OFU's site. A couple pages are saved here:*

reicheruskittypowers is the website of "Blood Raining Night." The main page is backed up... and I might just save the rest of it if I have time. >.>

xdallyx seems to be the home of "Face the Strange," to which I have no particular connection, and it's only linked from someone's Talk page anyway. I'm not worried about that one.

I haven't checked any of these in the Wayback Machine yet.


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