Subject: That sure is a high horse you're riding.
Posted on: 2021-01-31 06:41:43 UTC

You're telling me the Japanese language has no words that could be considered shocking or offensive if blurted out the wrong way at the wrong time? Really? In a society famously concerned about using the precise language corresponding to your social class and seniority relative to those around you in order to be polite?

Look, I'll buy that swearing/profanity/rude language is different in Japanese—maybe there aren't exact equivalents of the Seven Words You Can't Say On [Ridiculously Uptight, American] TV—but not that it doesn't exist at all.

Plus, this is the Internet, and I can look up things I'm not familiar with.

So, come on.


Even the results that lead with "there are no swear words in Japanese" go on to explain where and when certain words are rude in Japanese. And there are about 41,400,000 results.

Forgive me if I'm extremely skeptical.


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