Subject: Re: interlude
Posted on: 2021-02-28 23:02:04 UTC

This was quite a nice read! Jacques makes for quite a thoughtful, attentive parent, and I can see why Cai is so attached to him.

It's so easy to get caught in my "Doylist" perspective and dismissing badfics as things to be forgotten and ignored. I never thought of a recruited/rescued character having any emotional attachment to their origin fic, but now that you've presented the idea of it, it makes sense. Especially for the very young folks in the Nursery. I'll have to keep that in mind for future writing . . .

That opening scene made me a bit sad, all those kids waiting for a visit from their parental figures. I like to think of kids as being more emotionally self-sufficient, but then I was a pretty "keep myself occupied" kind of kid.

—doctorlit, maybe not the best author to have Nursery kids after all?

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