Subject: Thanks for fixing that--I tried...
Posted on: 2021-03-03 06:07:21 UTC

...and contacted them, and got a response to that effect ("change the URLS thus, and it should be fine!") but wasn't quite sure how to proceed from there. On the plus side, not only did you turn out to know, you've also done the referencing better than I think I was going to--I think I've used that function all of once before, and never when adding to a big list like that, so I kind of just copied and adapted source code from the others. Which normally works out fine, but something was going a bit weird (I had a feeling I might just need to save the first edit and then come back to add in the second reference, but of course it wouldn't save!) and compared to what you did, it's different. Your code has some sort of shortcut in it? Something to take a second look at and ask you about properly, maybe; I'm curious, especially since I'll likely want to know how to do it at some point.

Anyway. Long story short, I'm glad we can edit the New Cal page again, and thank you for that!


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