Subject: Not necessarily?
Posted on: 2021-12-04 13:40:37 UTC

I mean, we all have our pet peeves, even if I think that language-mangling is funnier than it is worth my anger. I mean, I just bought a book that is an intentional parody of bad writing, and if it had been published in English I'd be covering the Board with my recs, because it's exactly the kind of mangled storytelling we love to poke fun of. So even if I don't quite get why Engrish is such a big deal for you, I won't call you weird for being annoyed by it. But I just wanted to say that if a badfic makes you genuinely angry, chances are you won't be able to give it the good-natured parodying the PPC stands for nowadays. Obviously it's everyone's own business how they handle badfic, but I personally find angry sporkings very uncomfortable to read. So I guess what I'm trying to say is to exercise caution if you're approaching a fic that makes you angry, and to consider if it's worth getting angry about in the first place. Usually, it's not. :)

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