Subject: Yay! I'm glad I'm making thoughts be thunked.
Posted on: 2021-12-31 01:32:35 UTC

Good word, thunked. Nice woody sort of word.

Anyway, I was chatting with a friend about this project and she mentioned that there's one faction we've kinda glossed over in Star Warhammer, so I'm attempting to put that right...

As word of this new power spreads across the Merged Galaxies, it reaches truly ancient ears. Tomb Worlds awake prematurely to disgorge terrifying silver warriors upon hapless Imperial Stormtroopers, their armour and bodies disintegrated in seconds by flashes of green light. Dark Side cultists have more effect, their powers of lightning shattering even necrodermis. But where the Tyranids are a shadow in the Warp, these warriors are as shadows in the Force: as utterly without presence in it as a lifeless asteroid, devoid of even bacterial life. As the interlopers are chased off of the Necron worlds, agents of one dynasty above all else begin to investigate the Force and the power it brings. Palpatine peers into the darkness and can find nothing at all, but his spies and agents can supply one word that keeps cropping up.


The Silent King of the Necrontyr is awake, and his interest is piqued. His people are impossibly ancient; to see something truly new is rare, even among the young races. His own Dynastic agents send missives to the vassal phaerons and phaerakhs, a call to action for their Crypteks and their greatest minds. Force lore is to be found and studied. Force adepts are as well. And so, as the Merged Galaxies adapt to their new realities, the silver warriors begin to collect - and if something needs collecting, there is always and forever a collector. Trazyn the Infinite seeks out the new life and new civilizations after the Merging, and he barters (and steals, and double-crosses, and just takes by force) in the name of expanding his collection. Surviving Separatist battle droids disappear; Imperial Stormtroopers and Clone Troopers go AWOL from the Imperial Military; and outcast Jedi hear vague, terrified calls for help from their comrades before those cries are suddenly silenced. The Hutt cartels try and barter, but their double-crosses end in several bosses being torn apart by green thunderbolts. Those loyal, though, are rewarded handsomely. Gimcracks and baubles by the standards of a Technomancer, but princely gifts of alliance to the primitives among the Young. Local knowledge is useful for Trazyn's purposes, and the while it does trickle back to Szarekh and the other Triarchs, it is Trazyn who begins to truly understand Force lore - in theory, at least.

Necrons lost their bodies and their souls to the deception of the C'tan sixty million years in the past, replaced with the living metal that is necrodermis. Downloading their consciousnesses into constructs made of this substance and casting off their pitiful, fleeting flesh has in turn cut them off from the Force in a way that drives Trazyn mad with envious fury. This is a power he looks upon but cannot touch, a world he cannot own, a collection he can never start, let alone complete. His experiments and tinkering with esoteric devices brought to him by the Hutts and his other contacts (as well as plentiful supplies of new species) remain utterly fruitless. He meditates. He clears his mind. He studies the scattered teachings of the Jedi and the Sith alike. He stretches out with his feelings, and feels... nothing at all. Nothing save a hole in the world where something should be. Perhaps that is what Jedi see in him and his kind. Perhaps that is why they are so afraid. There are other reasons, of course, but this one is more vexing than the consequences of flaunting his power and knowledge. Trazyn the Infinite is proven finite, and this will not stand.

There are other powers arising. The Bell of Saint Gerstahn has tolled already, years sooner than in Canon. Trazyn's travel to the Oruscar Tomb World and his contemplation of the Celestial Orrery are similarly accelerated. His tuition of Cawl is faster paced, aided by the serenity that it amuses him to seek in his studies of the Force. And as in canon, it is not enough. Ursarkar Creed is still somewhere in the chambers of a Necron labyrinth, a silent order and a prayer to the Emperor on his lips. Neither will ever be answered, for Cadia has fallen. And through it all, Trazyn still cannot touch the Force. His serenity and balance leave him poised and calm; his depthless rage at being so thwarted elicits only his own frustrated screams echoing off the walls of his world. He tries, and he tries, and he tries again... and then another brace of whispers from his sources in the new systems comes his way, from each end of the Merged Galaxies. One of an old warrior, returned from millennia of almost-death solely by the power of the Force. One of a dark story, not one the Jedi would tell, of a power a Jedi could neither learn nor teach. And this is where Trazyn understands, truly, what must be done.

He travels to the courts of the Triarch, seeking audience with Szarekh. With him, he brings the fruits of his research. Digitized copies of Jedi and Sith holocrons rendered in eerie green light. Full-body scans of the Force sensitives he has captured. Documentation of his creation of artificial midi-chlorians through nanoscarab technology, a work that proved pointless. All his dead ends. All his follies. All his failures. A powerful gesture in Necron politics, where the mighty and the unremembered are separated by a hair's breadth. He lays them bare before Szarekh, because this is something he knows the Silent King wants more than anything else in the universe. Within the Force and its power to heal and restore, so Trazyn is convinced, lies this most holy grail of the Szarekhan dynasty. Apotheosis.

The Silent King is moved to action at last. Even as the Merged Galaxies reel from the shattering of Cadia and the formation of the Cicatrix Maledictum, Szarekh commands his legions forth into the darkness. Crescent-shaped Necron ships like rotten moons slip through the darkness, seeking out the systems of the Galaxy Far Far Away. Apotheosis, an end to sixty million years of suffering, might just be within their grasp. The Crypteks of the Dynasties are summoned forth and put to work, as the voice of Szarekh travels far and commands obeisance and fear alike. Steadily the forces grow. It is 996.M41 in Imperium reckoning, and a cure for biotransference is in sight. All they need is to survive...

And to work out why inert necrodermis nanoscarabs are being detected within a volume of space owned by a Merged faction called the Chiss.

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