Subject: Prodding this a little more, purely for giggles.
Posted on: 2022-01-06 17:12:31 UTC

Rather than fixating on the Chiss-Ord Mantell setup, I decided to spin the SW map around freely and see what lines up. For my map, I've marked Terra, the Eye, Ultramar, and Fenris (because Fenris is funny). (Also, the SW galaxy spirals in the opposite direction to the other two, so I've reversed it to look at it from underneath.)

  • Earth and Ultramar are about equidistant from the core. Key SW systems which fall on their latitude are: Endor, Naboo, Yavin 4, Dathomir (full of witches), Csilla (the Chiss homeworld), Mandalore (as in that TV show), and... Nal Hutta.

  • If you put Earth on top of Nal Hutta (which frankly we deserve), Fenris falls on Kasyyyyk. There are no wolves on Fenris - only Wookiees. ^_^ The Eye winds up between Ossus and Lothal, two key Jedi-related planets, suggesting the Eldar were once Force-sensitive. Ultramar is around Endor.

  • If you slap Ultramar on top of Mandalore - they're basically proto-Astartes there anyway - you wind up with Earth in Chiss space, and the Eye of Terror out around Ahch-To, that planet Luke stranded himself on in the sequels. Putting Bobby's private empire in Hutt Space doesn't shift things much (the Unknown Regions are large and, well, unknown).

  • If we swing out and put Earth on Endor - humans are clearly descended from Ewoks - the Eye of Terror falls somewhere around Hoth, Bespin, Dagobah, and in particular Vader's favourite lava nightmare, Mustafar. Ultramar comes in somewhere up by Yaga Minor, which was part of the remnant Empire in the old EU.

I might play around a bit more with the Endor and Nal Hutta options, see if anyone else (like the Tau) fall somewhere interesting. This is fun. ^_^
