Subject: Thoughts
Posted on: 2022-01-19 04:36:57 UTC

  • The thing was the anime glasses was funny
  • As is stabby hair
  • And the rollercoaster rides line
  • Nice agent bonding moment on the backstory
  • I think the flying pigs are currently on a different mission
  • The exorcism bell would've been a cheap joke, but also would've worked, making the meta commentary also funnier
  • "Not in a T-rated fic, he won't"
  • Looking for goodslash is a good idea
  • Ok, but are you sure we should be getting our minds out of the gutter?
  • Good luck to your folks in finding Intel

Overall, there were a lot of funny bits, there wasn't too much quoting from the badfic but enough excerpts and references to make it obvious what's going on, the whole thing made sense even though I didn't know Yu-Gi-Oh, and there was good chemistry between the agents.

So, all I can really say is that this was good and funny!

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