Subject: Happy anniversary to us all! Also, more art!
Posted on: 2022-01-30 12:04:37 UTC

That's a beautifully bizarre picture, Lily. My favourite tiny details are the cards on the tree, and the mesmerised eyes on Gandalf and Legolas.

In the run-up to the anniversary, I was taking one of my semi-regular trawls around the early-PPC sections of the internet. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but I managed to turn up actual photographs of mid-noughts author!Jay. And, a little while later, similarly-aged author!Acacia.

I don't want to share the photos or where I found them, but I did want to do something. And so, I am very pleased to present... an accurate picture of Agents Jay and Acacia!

... which was going to be "the first accurate picture". But then I looked at Bold Font's classic drawing, particularly Jay's hair and Acacia's fringe, and I think she might have been working from photos too. So I guess every drawing ever modelled on that is also accurate. ^_^ (I've borrowed Acy's hair from that image, because in the photos she's got it pinned back rather than shoulder-length.)

And no, so far as I know, there was never a Rammstein polariod to go with the Spice Girls and Barbie editions. As if that would stop her acquiring one anyway.


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