Subject: I can actually see the potential in this fic.
Posted on: 2022-01-31 00:30:00 UTC

Like… the comedy potential of a Led Zeppelin cover band getting sent to M-e is off the charts, especially if all they know of M-e are whatever’s referenced in the songs. I just wish the canon characters behaved in a more IC fashion 😅

Also, Led Zeppelin can be done on the harp! But I dunno if Laurel’s singing would have helped :P

Anyway, Laurel (Lauriel??) knowing jack about the Quest except odd references from rock songs would, in a more thought-out fic, have her kept at Rivendell under watch until Lord Elrond could be sure she’s just clueless (and referencing ballads from the future?). She wouldn’t be going on the Quest itself but could busy her days learning how to play Elvish instruments and flirting with Dunedain 🤣 Maybe by the end of the War she could travel to Gondor for Arwen’s wedding, having befriended her during her time (and gotten over her whole “ew dresses” schtick), and there she could mourn Boromir and be bros with Legolas (she might’ve found out Elves aren’t her type because they go too slow and she’s here for a good time not a long time?) and Gimli. She could play “Stairway to Heaven” at the wedding banquet!

Anyway, too bad she didn’t think things through enough, but we wouldn’t be the same without her, so here’s to that failed potential. /pours out wine/

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