Subject: James is actually a really good character to use as a bully in the backstory
Posted on: 2022-02-12 17:00:42 UTC

Alice, of course, was having difficulty thinking of her next fic.

She wanted to write a fanfic taking place in her favorite series (which she had thus far neglected to write about), but where would she start? Maybe with her favorite, Blades? She twirled her blond hair around her finger. James at school would probably tease her to death about writing the "baby Blades, you baby" if she were to ever reveal it. She sighed. That's probably what was holding her back, this miniature version of James living rent-free in her skull and-

The first two paragraphs from the RBAF. I'm stuck on the recruiting part, but I am working on it. Hopefully, the first chapter should be done soon-ish.

-kA, who can't type real well due to shaking hands.

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