Subject: re: Wink and a Smile
Posted on: 2022-02-20 21:22:44 UTC

New Caledonia is really starting to get fleshed out! I'm probably going to have to set some action from my spin-off there eventually, though I'm intimidated by the thought of getting the geography consistent with what's come before. Still, I'm excited by what a big playground is being built out there!

I don't know dancing at all, but I enjoyed the choreography of the dance scene, and how they both reacted to each other's words and motions throughout it, each dominating the movement/conversation at different times. The little details from Jenni's life on Pern were cool to hear about, too!

—doctorlit is totally going to read Pern someday, he swears. He might even read it in publication order like Neshomeh suggested, but in-universe chronological order is such a flirtatious dance partner, if you know what he means. (doctorlit himself doesn't know what he means.)

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