Subject: I think the author knows what he's doing.
Posted on: 2022-03-09 03:57:36 UTC

For one thing, the author didn't make the "Witchking/Bitchking" image; he's just reporting on it. For another, the word "bitch" is being used in a particular context here, namely a queer one, in which the meaning is "a successful and confident woman gay man who doesn't put up with anyone's crap." (See also: a "bad bitch.") Since the author is writing about queer readings of Tolkien's works and their adaptations, I reckon he knew exactly what he was doing when he included that image. {= )

(Re. the actual content of the blog post... Personally, I'll pass on shipping Movie!Fili/Kili, or any of the 13, for that matter. I'd rather see one of 'em come out as a woman.)


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