Subject: Depends where you are.
Posted on: 2022-03-18 12:30:32 UTC

The general rule is that American English treats organisations as singular, while British English treats them as plural.

In slightly more detail, the BBC says that it depends on whether you're talking about the group as a unit (singular), or as a number of individuals (plural). So:

  • The PPC (individual agents) are coming to get you.
  • The PPC (organisation) is run by the Flowers.
  • The Protectors of the Plot Continuum are a bunch of trigger-happy maniacs.
  • The Protectors of the Plot Continuum is the creation of Jay and Acacia.

But J&A themselves could have said 'are' in that last one, because they'd be talking about their own agents, not necessarily the organisation as a whole.

(But in American English, all of those would probably be 'is'.)


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