Subject: With apologies to Phineas and Ferb
Posted on: 2022-03-26 16:05:09 UTC

"Ah, Ethel the Eagle," Huinesoron monologued, "you're just in time to witness my newest invention, the e-stop-inator!

"You see," he continued, momentarily lapsing into a flashback, "for far too long, all the other mad scientists have been ignoring me when I talk about safety and best practices! They've even laughed my out of the room, saying mad scientists aren't supposed to care about that.

"But that ends today! Once I've turned it on, my e-stop-inator will emit a powerful suggestive field, making all the mad scientists put easy-to-press big red buttons on all their experiments, thus reducing the rate of laboratory accidents in the Greater London Area! Mwahahahahah!"

"Hold on," Ethel asked, cutting off the evil laugh, "how's this supposed to be an evil plan?"

"Oh, I'm not evil, remember?" Huinesoron said. "I'm just mad."

Ethel shrugged. "Fair enough. I don't see anything to heroically thwart here. Carry on, then."

With that, Ethel the Eagle flew away, leaving Huinesoron alone in his mad science lair.

"Wait, come back!" he shouted at the disappearing bird. "You're supposed to audit me!"

(( It's good to know that that joke was even more OOC than I thought it would've been - I didn't know your subfield was safety stuff ))

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