Subject: re: mission
Posted on: 2022-04-05 12:57:02 UTC

Once again, your loadout of four agents gives so many possibilities for interaction! I couldn't have guessed ahead of time how a Momoka+Inasuke mission would go, but it was a joy to read! Momoka's inner turmoil about being able to do a good job as the lead agent was cute, and made the ending where she leaped into action all the better. And Inasuke's pining away is kind of embarrassing for Momoka, but it was sweet how it culminated in him being legitimately supportive of her when he saw she was down.

One grammatical note: I think the sentence,
"In fact, he exuded such intimidating aura that made Inasuke squeak and hide behind Momoka, but left her shocked."
would read better as,
"In fact, he exuded such an intimidating aura, that it made Inasuke squeak and hide behind Momoka, but left her shocked."

—doctorlit will hopefully get to the interlude after work tonight?

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