Subject: New spinoff: "Apples & Oranges" [DMS-Animorphs], May 1999
Posted on: 2022-04-07 11:01:22 UTC

Spinning out of the sheer enjoyment I got from writing DMS: Last Sun, Apples & Oranges is an entire spinoff beginning in the immediate aftermath of that mission. Which places it in a very stable time in the PPC's history when nothing ominous was happening at all, no siree!

The fandom is technically Animorphs, but one of the agents doesn't even know what that is, so no canon knowledge is required. There are a lot of little links to certain PPC History events in there, but if you don't know what's going on... well, you're in no worse a position than Alex and Sam.

Apples & Oranges 1: The Newcomer

Also featuring a little bonus... part 1 of a cowrite between Lily Winterwood and myself entitled A Very Mkellin Mystery, starring possibly the least-worst Guard in the DIS.


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