Subject: re: history mission, and history mystery! (spoilers)
Posted on: 2022-04-07 14:24:56 UTC

Ooooooh, you're doing the thing! Sweet! I want!

I'll talk briefly about the mission first, just so the ancient HQ stuff doesn't show up in previews. The scene where Alex distracts the Animorphs while Sam is reading the charges is solid writing gold, especially Alex's attempt at faking an interest in red-tailed hawks. (What would be the "fake gamer girl" analogue in bird-watching? A faux-feathered friend? A nayvian?) Also, while I understand treating the (an?) Ellimist in this fic as a replacement, I can easily see the real thing playing along with badfics that don't do anything too egregious to the cast, but deciding to mess with the OCs a little:


"I . . . My name is Chr—"


Okay, okay, now for the good part! Anyone who's trying the guess the references for themselves, probably don't read any further!

So, is that Ontic outside the SO's office? And, that's definitely Imbolc running past them, so is this taking place immediately after the Evermind was killed/Blue arrested? And I assume the cordoned off RC is the same one Durran is investigating? I'm so excited to continue reading both story threads! I love this!

—doctorlit loves a history mystery, he just can't resistory

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