Subject: Indeed, it is okay to like a thing with flaws.
Posted on: 2022-04-22 14:14:35 UTC

I still feel it's important to acknowledge said flaws, not to pretend they don't exist and write off any criticism as fake news the woke agenda conspiracy *AHEM* baseless. Sorry, I digress, but I've been in some comment sections lately with lots of people whining about how they just want to be ~*entertained*~ and why does everything have to be so political (read: challenging to the status quo) nowadays. Let's also acknowledge that not all criticism is created equal. >.>

Digression over: I love the Dragonriders of Pern series, but I'm not gonna pretend like the dialogue isn't sometimes awkward or that the feminism doesn't show its age and the author's somewhat off-kilter opinions, ya know? Gotta take the bad with the good as well as the good with the bad.

And for the love of Glod recognize when one vastly outweighs the other.


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