Subject: (Paging hS!) Can we do Plort again? Pretty please with homemade cookies on top?
Posted on: 2022-04-26 02:08:51 UTC

Mediaeval/fantasy stuff plus PPC sounds like a wonderful nerdy combination. I found it while I was looking through random pages on the wiki. Then I read through some of the Cyclopaedia. I am now beginning to think about a story for a Plort!me and I have a rather specific question. Would it make sense to be an ex-Marizu on account of my Quotev account which has some badfic in it? I just sort of stumbled into Quotev from some other corner of the internet, read too many Legolas/OC fanfics, and proceeded to write some bad fanfic of my own. I eventually stopped and found my way onto the PPC wiki and then to the Board. I've written some original fics here and there as well as some (hopefully better) fanfic.

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