Subject: I'm struggling with this. [Hat semi-on, input requested.]
Posted on: 2022-06-02 17:06:01 UTC

Up front, your writing is pretty good. Your characters are interesting, and you definitely can do humor when you want to. If that were the only criterion for Permission, you would get it.

However, that's not the only criterion. All along, I've seen you struggle to get to grips with how the PPC works, including (per a conversation we had recently in DMs) essential concepts like the console, remote activator, and disguise generator.

You've continued to push for Permission anyway, and this is where I really have an issue at this point. It's been expressed to you more than once that the active Permission Givers are few and strapped for time and energy, yet you've chosen to post your fourth request right on top of Linstar's request. The posts are seven hours apart, so you ought to have seen Linstar's. That's rude both to the PGs and to Linstar.

At best, this shows a lack of situational awareness. At worst, it's a lack of respect for other members of this community. I shared a similar criticism at your last request, namely that your interactions with the community have come off to me as being primarily self-centered. In fairness, I have seen you respond to that criticism and try to do better, with what I'd call partial success. That's good. I appreciate it, and I think you're basically an okay guy, and I want you to continue on this path. With this post, though, it seems to me you still have work to do.

This is important: Writing for the PPC means using concepts created by and shared with other people, and it's expected both that you are aware of that and you respect it. I can't bring myself to trust that you understand this right now.

I want to say "Permission Denied" on that basis, and additionally I want to say "don't try again for a long time," both to give the PGs some space and to allow yourself to make stronger progress on the areas of understanding that need work.

But, I recognize that this is a more subjective call than usual, so I don't feel comfortable making it alone. I would like any other PGs and aspiring PGs watching to weigh in when they can. I am aware this might take time, and I appreciate whatever input you can give.


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