Subject: Part of the tough time in finding a beta is --
Posted on: 2022-06-02 22:13:50 UTC

-- that not everyone shares the same fandom anymore. A lot of us ancientbies share the LotR fandom, so we're generally eager to jump for things pertaining to Tolkien, but outside of that I'm not entirely sure who'd read what. There is a Canon Advisers page, but it's outdated with people who are no longer active, plus the active people still on there may be very busy.

That, plus it being NSFW and possibly NSFB can also be off-putting. I don't have enough working knowledge of Naruto to be a good adviser on any badfic, much less a NSFW one. The only reason Agent Christianne worked in the Anime/Manga division of the DMS for Naruto is because my friend who created her drew her killing Naruto Sues!

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