Subject: Mmmm...
Posted on: 2022-06-09 13:41:15 UTC

Well, some existing authors might not be able to make their own spin-off pages (and I personally don't see the point of documenting every spin-off that even added a minor thing to the PPC canon, but it probably is personal), or it'll be a Task for them to do so. Like me. I have to set my browser (which I plan on chaning, so I might not even be able to do that anymore) into "desktop site," make the page, hope the network decides to not nope out at that very moment, then hop back into the mobile version of the site and edit the page. Some of the changes apparently don't even stick.

So, there's me, at least, but I have such a small selection of spin-offs that could be important ("Mission 2: Mermaids?", in which O'Ryan describes a cabin more thoroughly into existence, Missions 1 and 2 for David Null, as the former introduces a canon and the latter Sporka is briefly mentioned, and technically Mission 1 for O'Ryan and Kittyauthor, as it introduces a new canon and mini). Or, maybe, aside from very important spin-offs (which would get their own detailed pages), we could "expand" (in a sense) the mission logs for each pair. As in, make a page for pairs of agents and lost their spin-offs, somewhat brief (but less brief than, say, the mission logs or the one-liners on the front page) summaries, and new elements (if any) introduced.

For example, let's look at David Null's first mission:

What happens is that David Null is rudely woken up by Paye and has to have the PPC explained to them. The console BEEPS with a new mission in the Miitopia canon, so the agents get ready and leave. The Stu is an overly generic character who is turned into an uncanonical "Great Mage" by the "gardian spirit," which summons the first ever Mini Terror Fiend. David freaks out, but Paye discovers the Terror Fiend is just a mini. David, Paye, and this new mini follow the Stu through the recruitment of very generic characters and, eventually, into the inn, where gardian steals David's glasses and taunts him. Paye and David have a discussion... etc.

I think I made the point clear? I hope? Something like that? Maybe more brief? But all the summaries for spin-offs listed on a pair's Spin-Off page.

I still can't help a ton because my internet apparently really sucks at times and mobile editing sucks, but I can try. I can redirect people to links to my spin-offs and what I think are the most important aspects added to the PPC.

Does that make any sense?


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