Subject: Oooo! Pronouncing gives me an idea for a further gag!
Posted on: 2022-06-10 01:21:56 UTC

"What the RC number again?" K asked, in an attempt to distract himself.

"Hyperbola," David Null replied.

"Yes, I know that," K said, "but what is the number?"

"Uhhhh," David said. K glared at him. Qnza it. "It's, uh, one equals ex-squared over- no, wait, one equals the quanity of ex-squared over ay-squared minus- no no, wait, one equals y-squared- no, qnzzit-"

"Oh look, we're here," K said, pointing at their RC door.

"Why did you have me shpxing say it, then?!" David asked.

"It's a distraction to listen to you try and say it," K responded. "And you shouldn't curse so often! It's unhealthy, especially around little kids!"

Something like that, but probably funnier, to be honest.
