Subject: Not so much advice as what I've done lately.
Posted on: 2022-06-14 18:33:14 UTC

Specifically with PPC: Driftwood, which was written to be easy to write and read.

  • Keep it short. Missions don't need to be behemoths. I think I aimed for 6K words.
  • Pick a topic. You don't need to highlight every mistake in the badfic - it's just a story, you're not actually saving the canon. One mission, I basically did nothing but collect stray animals. Another, I might focus on one character being OOC. One was just about the Suvian's absurd numbers of powers.
  • Try and make it fun for people who don't know the canon. Introduce the key points about it, and then focus on those. (Also, when you post it, for the love of Nienna TELL US what canon it's in!) You can include trivia/in-jokes, but don't make them the focus of the mission.


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