Subject: Thank you!
Posted on: 2022-07-12 18:28:42 UTC

Typos corrected with gratitude. ^_^

As you've noted, Good Omens and Strange & Norrell are based on the TV adaptations, but honestly, both of those adaptations are really close to the books. I'm referencing the adaptations so I have concrete visuals, but it could just as easily be the books.

I'm also not taking characters from the end of their storylines. With one exception (on Hampstead Heath, if you want a meaningless spoiler), everyone I'm using is from the first third or so of their story. What that means is a bit variable, but there's no real story spoilers, and I'm trying (trying!) to introduce people so you don't have to have read them.

The idea of a hybrid somewhere was central to my initial conception of this story. I think the very first idea I had was to do Chicago and have Harry Dresden running around; then I passed through police/detective shows in New York; and then I landed in London, and haven't moved on since.


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