Subject: re: Does This Never End + 20
Posted on: 2022-08-09 12:35:02 UTC

Which is a rather ironic title for the final chapter, isn't it? I wondered for a second if Bast was planning to continue, but then again, this does say "epilogue." Still, I hope Mary Sue did see an end to the crazy eventually. Either the PPC would have seen her as a reformed/reformable Suvian (actually, a CAD scan would reveal how very unglittery she was, anyway!) and let her do a handful of probation missions before sending her home to the moment she got plotholed out . . . or, she would grow to like the work, and her son could move into the Nursery!

I like all the choreography that went into Jay and Acacia pulling Mary back up. All the awkward fumbling and bumping into Mary . . . felt very realistic! Good thing Jay doesn't employ cheap quality bows, though.

—doctorlit + 20

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