Subject: re: mission
Posted on: 2022-08-16 03:15:13 UTC

Oh, and I took so long to read their intro, I don't have to wait to see them interacting! As expected, I like Helena best, with her willingness to explore new things and operate outside of the box. Sheen is even more Lawful Neutral than I expected; while there's some element of reason to his attitude (worrying about safety), I suspect he'll learn pretty quickly that trying to do missions by the book doesn't guarantee safety. Seems a bit prejudiced against Suvians, as well; he needs to get out into HQ more!

I felt like Fáelán didn't get quite as much time to display his personality as the other two, so I'm not entirely sure what to think of him yet. It's understandable, though; the intro made it seem like he doesn't like attracting attention to himself, and I can definitely relate as a fellow shy boy. But hopefully he speaks up a bit more in future!

Okay, I have to ask: did the original fic explain what Elrond was doing in Mirkwood?

—doctorlit stood bewteen two bookshelves in bedromm, his beloved home

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