Subject: re: Two Worlds + 20
Posted on: 2022-08-26 14:49:29 UTC

Ah, a crossover! A Hogwarts! It is nice to get a break from Middle-earth after all the time spent there. I can understand the authors wanting to change things up. And minis have appeared in HQ at long last!

Just slapping Hogwarts into Middle-earth certainly does call into question where the rest of Wizard-earth is . . . like, we know France and Bulgaria and the middle east and Asia are there, so . . . where did all of that go? That anecdote about the castle-sized portal in interesting, might be fun to write that someday . . .

Feels like a missed opportunity to establish that PPC tech doesn't work in Hogwarts, just to force more strategy and creativity into writing Potterverse missions. Oh well, I guess that would call into question how a portal could even open there from HQ in the first place . . . Also, not sure if it's intentional, but I love the detail that Jay offering to bring Acacia to the hospital wing is the line they used to make her "sound like a student" to the teachers, maybe as a joke about how often Hogwarts students get injured/attacked?

Since the authors J+A didn't capitalize on some great typos, I'm going to do so now. (I know mini-Aragogs didn't exist yet, but I'm still going to have some fun.)

When she was gone, Ran ran up the stairs to the girls' dorms.

A huge spider skittered up the stairs, overtaking Ron; fortunately, Ron couldn't see it, like the agents. "Yesssss, feel the burn, human! It'sss always leg day in Hogwartsss, Precioussss!" The spider beat Ron to the top by a wide margin, and began to do stretches. "Eight legs means more spaccce for Fitbitsss. Eight fitbits? No, Precious, we has twenty-four Fitbitsssesss. That'sss how you maximize the workoutsss!"

She stopped and looked at them and then ran out the potrait hole.

The Fat Lady cleared her throat and began to sing in operatic style:
♪Gryffindors are fire, so I’m blazing it hard
Poke around to toke around on the Quidditch yard
The dankest scene
The dankest green
Dorm’s got 420 students, if you know what I mean♪

"Legolas" yelled Serenityrunning up to the man

Legolas was joined by a twisting many-legged mini-Suvian, which veered off and made a beeline for the treeline . . . but was soon overtaken.

"On your left!" hissed Ran as he sent the mini-Suvian tumbling and rolling. "You got to rise and grind harder, Precioussss! Never skip leg day!"

—doctorlit was going to say something worth reading here, but he forgot what it was