Subject: Even if the Hobbits and Boromir would be more vulnerable to getting sick...
Posted on: 2022-08-29 17:28:48 UTC

... I think they would still be pretty sturdy by modern standards. Boromir is probably in very good shape. I think he would be pretty sturdy, healthy, and muscular because I figure he spends a lot of time outdoors, practicing with his weapons. Warriors of long ago had to be fit.

The Hobbits, though. Hmmm. This reminds me of part of the Fellowship of the Ring where Frodo looks at himself in the mirror and thinks he looks a little flabby. Not that he would be unhealthy, but not really spry, either. He was 50 when he went on the Quest. Merry and Pippin are just teenagers. They spend a lot of time horsing around. I bet that they can run pretty fast. They must have had lots of practice because of filching mushrooms from Farmer Maggot. Sam is older than Merry and Pippin, but younger than Frodo. He's sturdy and used to working.

Not that I really know much about this, I'm just theorizing.

  • Bw

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