Subject: Well the formula of creepiness goes
Posted on: 2022-09-27 09:37:52 UTC

half of your age plus seven. So after the age of 22 it becomes a little... iffy to crush on an 18-year old. That's the stone-cold numbers answer, and it's not a bad ruler. In the real world, there would be a power imbalance after that that's difficult to shift.

On the other hand we're dealing with fictional characters here, not real people. No one is getting hurt, although referring to them as Lust Objects in that sense is, I dunno, bad vibes? There was definitely a point in time for me when a teenage boy character of any new IP I had an interest in went from being a potential love interest to being a favourite character, someone I enjoyed watching and thought was adorable, but at the same time certainly had the thought of "if I were younger, you would be the one I developed a crush on". These days I consider them the precious babies they are, as about as attractive to me as any child would be (which is not at all), and fight the urge to pinch their cheeks and tell them how much they've grown (so tall! so handsome!) with the exact same level of affection as I would a real world teenager.

That's just my two cents though.


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