Subject: Yeah, I knew.
Posted on: 2022-12-05 17:24:18 UTC

Akrinor was kind enough to help me out on Discord when I told them about the region and the worldbuilding, and I'm doing my best to research the time period enough to not make any potential readers squint very hard or facedesk later on. However, I do still need resources for my research because most websites are only so-so when it comes to reliability. So any pointers on articles or even books I could read on the relevant bits of the Black Forest region's history would be appreciated. :) Like I said, historical accuracy isn't really a selling point in an alternate history universe, but I want to keep things at least plausible. This is a novella-length project, but I know the feeling of being taken out of the story by a wildly historically inaccurate detail (hello canned food in the Golden Age of Piracy - no, I'm not making that up), so I do what I can.

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