Subject: My favourite cracked fairytale of late...
Posted on: 2022-12-06 12:58:05 UTC

... is the school pantomime which was just shown to my daughter. It was a version of Sleeping Beauty, which began by time-travelling the audience back 118 years to the beginning of the story.

You know.

To 1904.

I don't think they realised that they were having Sleeping Beauty be born in the Belle Epoque, grow up during WWI, and fall asleep in the Roaring Twenties, but it's an absolutely hilarious concept. I'm busy trying to work out where she fits in the royal family trees of Europe at that time. A king's daughter born in 1904? Most of the kings at the time were way too old, even if you look at the sub-kings of Germany. If we give ourselves a year's wriggle-room she could be a daughter of Haakon VII of Norway; or she could be the eldest child of Alfonso XIII of Spain - or, somewhat distressingly, a child of Nicholas II of Russia, who ended up being put to sleep in the closing stages of the Russian Civil War. o.O


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