Subject: Oh, the Malfoys are complicated! (Discussion of BL11)
Posted on: 2022-12-13 22:38:55 UTC

[BL11](#s "I didn't want to do the typical fanon portrayal of the Malfoys--esp Lucius--being abusive to Draco. I feel like that's something the movies like to imply in order to make Draco a bit more sympathetic. That being said, raising your child in a bigoted environment that stunts their emotional growth is pretty abusive in and of itself, and I'd prefer to focus on that as the main axis of abuse that Draco suffers with his parents.

Still! Pureblood Culture is pretty openly patriarchal and authoritarian, and even though Narcissa and Lucius understand and love each other deeply, they're very clearly the sort of people who think other people who have transgressed deserve to be punished in ways out of proportion to their offense. And Draco did transgress, since he failed to do what Lucius asked of him that morning. The Malfoys love Draco very much; they've raised him to think he's chosen and perfect. But--as evidenced by Draco smuggling Muggle soda--Draco's been starting to venture out of the box they've put him in, and you're right, that's going to present many obstacles on his path to becoming a better person.")

I'm really glad you like the multiple POVs for the opener! I did worry that it's going to be too long and repetitive, but I felt it was necessary to establish the, haha, pureblood panopticon. We'll be back to Harry's POV from here on out (with another detour to Hermione at one point ;) ) so I'm glad you really like my take on Harry! I think him being raised by Lily does make him a little better-adjusted and idealistic, even if he's still the same amount of bullheaded as he is in canon.

Yes, you're correct! The bonds are more equitable than the people in charge want you to think ;)

Thank you for reading and for this in-depth analysis!