Subject: yeer too
Posted on: 2022-12-15 12:52:48 UTC

I see I'm missing some context by not reading some of these actual purityworld fics . . . but I'm not going to! : )

Following from my assumption that Pettigrew was in Azkaban, I figured Scabbers really was just a rat this time. There's no reason they wouldn't have picked out the same pet and the same name . . . Just so you don't think I'm completely dense!

Yes, Hermione will unite the Wizarding World Women and rise up! Instead of a Senator Gaunt, you will have a Minister Granger! One both bookish and terrible! All shall release their house-elves and despair!

Ew. I feel gross for taking Narcissa's assumption about house-elves at face value . . . It's kind of horrifying how Rowling describing a race of people in terms of slavery apologia can taint my reading of them all these years later . . .

—doctorlit, proud member of S.P.E.W

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