Subject: Burrowing in!
Posted on: 2022-12-18 19:46:13 UTC

Nice to see the Weasleys are mostly unchanged! They're teeny bit off, with the way Ron talks about house-elves being like furniture, and Mrs. Weasley worrying about Arthur's standing in the government, but they're mostly untouched by the phoniness and performativeness of the culture. It's nice when people get to act like people, yeah?

I was going to say something about Ginny dropping off the roof, but then I realized it would be hypocritical of me. montage of doctorlit dropping off ladders and throwing himself over fences at work

(Incidentally, Ron is probably objectively right to prefer gnomes over peafowl! Peafowl are nice to look at, but their waste is large solid splops, like a mix of dog waste and soft serve ice cream. Also, their voice can be distracting, especially when you're still asleep in the morning!)

New Terms You've Taught doctorlit Today:
-kissing gate
-Wellies (though I'd heard of the brand before)

—doctorlit, Lord of the Embarrassing and Ignoble House of _________

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