Subject: I'm intrigued by the mention of MUSM at the end.
Posted on: 2022-12-16 21:47:30 UTC

We don't seem to have a firm publication date for that, but clearly it was before this story. Miss Cam says in the author's notes on AO3 that MUSM was started around the release of the Two Towers movie, and the prologue suggests it was written before the movie came out. Since the general US release was December 18, that all tracks.

But I still can't tell how long before the movie (and this story). Chapter 13 is a Christmas special, so I'm guessing, like, a little while? Could it have been September, when a normal school year would start? I'unno. On a quick scan, I can't find a mention in the story of TTT actually being released. Further investigation needed.


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