Subject: re: It Gets a Lot More Complicated + 20
Posted on: 2022-12-19 20:07:40 UTC

Feels weird for Acacia to be "forgetting" the rules about reading charges, but the revelation about the recurring ripples through canon give it enough context to make it understandable. And the merger of so many fics at once is some memorable imagery, for sure. It helps explain why Jay and Acacia fired on Kate and Kira on sight, as well. I can understand the reaction, but I hope they figure out what's happening quickly enough that they don't hurt too many writers . . .

Jay's conversation about souls is interesting. I liked her first drawing the parallel between canon characters and Suvians as both being fictional, and then between Ranger and Suvians as both fanmade characters, and finally bringing up Mary Sue, who we of course know was "real" in the same sense as Jay and Acacia, and who they perhaps never realized wasn't a character at all. Come to think of it, Mary Sue's plight actually seems linked with/caused by the Bridge; it's a shame the agents don't seem to have believed her about being from World One to begin with, or they might have realized what was happening in Suedom earlier! I kind of wish the cnoversation had carried on a bit more, too . . .

—doctorlit likes finding accidental continuity

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